
Never forget anything. People will wonder how you do it.
No credit card or account is needed. Limited AI Assistant
per month
  • Unlimited search
  • Unlimited recordings
  • Unlimited meeting transcipts
  • 10 AI assists/month
  • 10 AI meetings/month
Unlimited everything with Chat GPT4
per month
billed yearly
  • Unlimited search
  • Unlimited recordings
  • Unlimited meeting transcipts
  • Unlimited AI meetings
  • Unlimited AI Assistant
    • Standups updates
    • One-on-One meeting agenda suggestions
    • Daily Brief
    • Research Summarization
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Standup updates
Always present yourself in the best light. Report everything you've been working on in the last day to the smallest detail.
One-on-One meetings agenda
Stay organized by default. When your One-on-One meeting comes up, simply click a button and get topic suggestions based on where the person's name came up in the last week.
Summarize your research
Perfect Memory is learning with you. When you research a topic it can summarize the key points of the research and provide you with a summary.
No cloud
All data are processed and stored on your device. This makes it perfect for sensitive information in company environment.
Privacy by design
We do not have access to your data. And never will. You are always in control of how long are memories stored and can easily delete everything.
Personalized AI Assistant
Ask about anything that you've seen on your screen. Perfect Memory AI Assistant can give your day summaries, and draft emails.