Terms of Service

Effective: 4/4/2024
Greetings and thank you for your interest in Perfect Memory LLC. ("Perfect Memory," "we," or "us") and our platform is accessible via www.perfectmemory.ai, including associated websites, hosted applications, Windows applications, downloadable applications, and other services we offer (collectively referred to as the "Service"). These Terms of Service constitute a legally binding agreement between you and Perfect Memory concerning your utilization of the Service.
By registering for Perfect Memory or by downloading, installing, accessing, or using the Service, you acknowledge that you have reviewed and comprehended, and, as a prerequisite for utilizing the Service, you consent to adhere to, the ensuing terms and conditions, inclusive of Perfect Memory's Privacy Policy (collectively referred to as "Terms"). If you are ineligible or disagree with the Terms, you are not authorized to use the Service. Your utilization of the Service and Perfect Memory's provision of the Service to you signify an agreement by both Perfect Memory and yourself to be bound by these Terms.

Arbitration notice

With the exception of specific dispute types outlined in Section 17, you consent to resolve disputes arising from these Terms through binding individual arbitration. By accepting these Terms, both you and Perfect Memory forfeit the right to a trial by jury or involvement in any class action or representative proceeding. You agree to relinquish your right to pursue legal action in court to assert or defend your rights under this contract (except for matters eligible for small claims court). An impartial arbitrator, not a judge or jury, will determine your rights (refer to Section 17 for details).