Private by design

Here's how we ensure your privacy
All data stays on your device
Your screenshots and transcripts do not leave your device. Screenshot OCR (Optical Character Recognition) text and meeting transcripts are all done on your device. All of data is stored locally.
Your data is protected by your device encryption (Bitlocker). On top of that Perfect Memory encrypts the data again with AES-256 - a military grade encryption. Ask Google How secure is AES-256 encryption?
Offline AI models
You can run on device models run with popular open source products such as Ollama, LM Studio or This ensures your data never leaves your device.
Your data is legally protected
The Fifth Amendment safeguards your right not to be compelled to produce self-incriminating documents. You can submit a motion to nullify a subpoena for your Perfect Memory.
We anonymize your prompts
When using Perfect Memory Pro subscription with ChatGPT we anonymize your AI request with 3rd party providers.
We'll never sell data
As a small business we pledge to do right by our users and never sell your data.