Perfect Memory AI can now recognize web addresses

Darius Kocar
Darius Kocar
3 minute read - 3/15/2024

As of March 2024, Perfect Memory AI icon Perfect Memory AI can recognize web URLs when browsing the internet.

When browsing the internet, the URL address is now recognized and is used to indicate activity. This means that instead of one long single session of using Chrome, activities are now broken down by domains visited: Google Search, YouTube, Facebook... This makes it easier to organize your activity.

Perfect Memory AI recognizes Google and shows the icon in the timeline view

The URL is saved with the screenshot and when you recall a memory it will be shown back to you at the bottom. Clicking on the link will open the page. It will even use the same browser making the transition seamless!

Perfect Memory AI allows to get back to previously visited url

All of this is supported by more than 99% of the most popular browsers.

Chrome - Edge - Firefox - Brave - Opera

Browser supported for automatic private session

As with everything in Perfect Memory, privacy is the core value behind new features. All domain and URL information is processed and stored locally and encrypted. The domain icons visible in the timeline view are pulled from - A company that is focused on Privacy just like Perfect Memory.

The URL recognition is also fully optional and can be disabled in Privacy settings